Calendario de Eventos

L Lun

M Mar

X Mié

J Jue

V Vie

S Sáb

D Dom

0 eventos,

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0 eventos,

0 eventos,

1 evento,



0 eventos,

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

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1 evento,

Solemnidad por la Asunción de la Virgen María. Universidad cerrada en todas sus sedes.

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

1 evento,

Turnitin y Draft Coach desde Word y en 4 pasos. Taller virtual para estudiantes de todas las sedes

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

1 evento,


Acto Conmemoración del 173º aniversario del paso a la inmortalidad del General José de San Martín.

1 evento,


Entrenamiento para Mandos Medios (EMM) en Reconquista

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

1 evento,

Charla Virtual “Invasión militar rusa: Un santafesino en la primera línea” por Bryan J. Mayer.

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

2 eventos,


Libro “Cómo argumentar un caso penal. Técnicas para la defensa en el proceso adversarial”

1 evento,

Featured -

Intervención educativa en contextos de vulnerabilidad social

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

1 evento,


La internacionalización de la Provincia de Santa Fe

3 eventos,

Feria de Carreras Viví la UCSF

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"
Featured -

Sistemas de comunicación alternativos y aumentativos en el aula. Seminario abierto

2 eventos,


Salud Global. Seminario Web

2 eventos,

Encuentro de Apostolados Sociales

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

3 eventos,


Conceptos básicos de psicooncología


Seminario Abierto de Gestión Institucional, acreditable a la Lic. en Gestión de la Educación (CCC)

0 eventos,