Calendario de Eventos

L Lun

M Mar

X Mié

J Jue

V Vie

S Sáb

D Dom

8 eventos,


We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"


We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura Estrategia Casa Común

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura – “Eco-Innovación y Derecho Forestal”

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Curso de Posgrado: “Fertilidad y Salud Reproductiva en 360°: abordaje integral”.

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Game Jam+ en Posadas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Clase Preuniversitaria de Veterinaria en Sede Reconquista


Clase Preuniversitaria de Abogacía en Sede Santa Fe

9 eventos,

Featured -

Reconquista: Disertación “Concilio Vaticano II: el tiempo de la iglesia”


Clase Preuniversitaria de Abogacía en Sede Reconquista


Clase Preuniversitaria de Lic. en Psicopedagogía en Sede Santa Fe

9 eventos,


Clase Preuniversitaria de Lic. en Cs. de la Comunicación en Sede Santa Fe


Clase Preuniversitaria de Relaciones Internacionales en Sede Posadas


Clase Preuniversitaria de Psicopedagogía en Sede Reconquista

7 eventos,

Conmemoración de todos los fieles difuntos – Sedes cerradas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

9 eventos,


Charla: “La economía irlandesa y 50 años de permanencia en la UE” Gerard McCoy Embajador de Irlanda


Clase Preuniversitaria de Nutrición en Sede Santa Fe


Clase Preuniversitaria de Arquitectura en Sede Posadas

10 eventos,


We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"


We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura Estrategia Casa Común

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura – “Eco-Innovación y Derecho Forestal”

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Curso de Posgrado: “Fertilidad y Salud Reproductiva en 360°: abordaje integral”.

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Game Jam+ en Posadas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Clase Preuniversitaria de Lic. en Administración en Sede Santa Fe

7 eventos,


Clase Preuniversitaria de Contador en Sede Santa Fe

10 eventos,

Fundación de la ciudad de Posadas –

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Jornadas: “Especialización en Derecho Procesal” – UCSF Posadas- Departamento de Posgrado


Clase Preuniversitaria de Martillero Público y Corredor Inmobiliario en Sede Santa Fe Fe


Lanzamiento “Observatorio Universitario del Patrimonio”

8 eventos,


2do Conversatorio: del asistencialismo al desarrollo


Clase Preuniversitaria de Fonoaudiología en Sede Santa Fe


Lanzamiento Carrera Relaciones Internacionales – Sede Santos Mártires

6 eventos,


Jornada: el psicoanálisis en tiempos de pospandemia

5 eventos,


We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura Estrategia Casa Común

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura – “Eco-Innovación y Derecho Forestal”

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Curso de Posgrado: “Fertilidad y Salud Reproductiva en 360°: abordaje integral”.

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Game Jam+ en Posadas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

6 eventos,

Fundación de la ciudad de Santa Fe – Sedes de la provincia cerradas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

5 eventos,

Diplomatura Estrategia Casa Común

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura – “Eco-Innovación y Derecho Forestal”

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Curso de Posgrado: “Fertilidad y Salud Reproductiva en 360°: abordaje integral”.

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Game Jam+ en Posadas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Día de la Soberanía Nacional – Sedes cerradas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

5 eventos,

Curso corto: Transformación estratégica del negocio

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

6 eventos,


Jornada Académica por el 10° Aniversario de la apertura de la carrera de Lic en Nutrición-UCSF

7 eventos,


Cátedra Abierta de la Empresa en Bolsa de Comercio de Santa Fe


Muestra: “Ferradás & Nardi, arquitectura y desarrollo”

3 eventos,

Diplomatura Estrategia Casa Común

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Diplomatura – “Eco-Innovación y Derecho Forestal”

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Game Jam+ en Posadas

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

4 eventos,

Natalicio de Andrés Guacurarí y Artigas – Sede Posadas cerrada

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

6 eventos,

XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Prácticas Estratégicas. “Geopolítica en casa común”

We looked for a template file for the month slug but could not find one.

This was rendered by the Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Month_View View.

We've looked in the following locations:

    • Id: plugin
    • Priority: 20
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2
    • Id: events-pro
    • Priority: 25
    • Path: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2
    • Id: common
    • Priority: 100
    • Path: /plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/views/v2

Template context:

    "slug": "month"

Muestra MAAPE desembarca en la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

5 eventos,